Pio told this story to Padre Anastasio. “One evening, while I was alone
in choir to pray, I heard the rustle of a suit and I saw a young monk
that stirred next to the High altar. It seemed that the young monk was
dusting the candelabra and straightening the flower vases. I thought he
was Padre Leone rearranging the altar, and, since it was supper time, I
went to him and I told him: “Padre Leone,
go to dine, this is not the time to dust and to straighten the altar”.
But a voice, that was not Father Leone’s answered me”: “I am not Padre
Leone”, “and who are you? “, I asked him. “I am a brother of yours that
made the novitiate here. I was ordered to clean the altar during the
year of the novitiate. Unfortunately many times I didn't reverence Jesus
while passing in front of the altar, thus causing the Holy Sacrament
that was preserved in the tabernacle to be disrespected. For this
serious carelessness, I am still in Purgatory. Now, God, with his
endless goodness, sent me here so that you may quicken the time I will
enjoy Paradise. Take care of me.” I believed to be generous to that
suffering soul, so I exclaimed: “you will be in Paradise tomorrow
morning, when I will celebrate Holy Mass”. That soul cried: “Cruel!”
Then he wept and disappeared. That complaint produced in me a wound to
the heart that I have felt and I will feel my whole life. In fact I
would have been able to immediately send that soul to Heaven but I
condemned him to remain another night in the flames of Purgatory.”